Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A bit boring, but sewing :)

I have managed to do a wee bit of sewing, that I can show you, that is. I have been working on secret fairy gifts so no posting pictures-that would ruin the surprise (so do customs labels, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that!)

First off a crazy kid pic.
No Mama, I really prefer to play the piano with my FEET!!

I think I officially have a furniture climber, and I was so lucky with little i...

And on to the sewing :) Coffee sleeves much cuter than those cardboard ones!

Cloth wipes and pocket diaper inserts. The cloth wipes were made with large pieces of scrap fabric and reverse to cotton velour or hemp fleece (nice and soft). The pocket diaper inserts are made with microfiber cloths (from the Walmart automotive dept) and hemp jersey/fleece.

Oh yes! I forgot about this project! I finally download all of the pictures. These were a pair of linen capris that I wore after baby n was born. I lost the baby weight a lot faster than I thought I would so these were ill fitting way before I was ready to give them up. So they got revamped!

Into a skirt! I really liked the drawstring waist and the pockets on the capris so I kept that and cut out some of the bulk and droopy bottom by adding a panel of fabric in the front and the back.

Lovely, light and breezy perfect for summer, if the weather here can decide to play nice!

That's all for tonight hopefully I will be sewing more soon. :)

Love Annmarie

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Has It really been so long?

Has it really been over a month since I last posted? It doesn't seem possible-we have been so busy! Spring Break, field exercises, nice weather, nap boycotts... So really I haven't been doing much sewing, hence no posting. Would you like to see why?

Let me dig up a few pics for ya:

ah this one is good the I-will-dance-with-Cheerios-on-my-head morning. Sadly he was not the one who spilled the Cheerios all over: it was me. I've really no excuse, well maybe...the coffee wasn't done brewing yet.

The We-don't-like-how-Mommy-has-arranged-the-cabinets day. I believe baby n was the instigator in this little operation.

And finally, the cabinets have eyes. Sticker eyes, at least they can come off!

I did manage to get a few projects done, a charm pack/patchwork apron for me and a bib for baby n. Oh yes, that's right, baby n had a birthday!!! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

This is the pre-spaghetti and lemon cupcake feast. Okay that's it. Well that is all I have pictures of for now. Happy Tax day!
Love Annmarie